Before upgrading to EndNote 20, ensure that your EndNote X9 is updated right up to the latest version of X9 (X9.3 or above).Ensure that you backup your existing EndNote library first or make sure it is synchronised to your EndNote online account (if using EndNote Online).Only one version of the EndNote desktop application can be installed on your computer.output styles, connection files, and import filters). Read more about backing up your library and any customized content files (e.g. If you are new to EndNote and have no existing EndNote library, feel free to start with EndNote 20 but be aware of backward compatibility issues if sharing a library with others who are using EndNote v.9.2 or older.theses & systematic reviews)įollow these steps to help ensure your EndNote library is safe when upgrading to EndNote 20: Adding references from library catalogue.Looking for EndNoteX9? This link opens in a new window.Upgrading to EndNote 20 from earlier versions.